Now Open Re.Juve at Metropolitan Mall Bekasi
Senin, 27 Mei 2019 | 11:40:46 wibPublic Relations Metropolitan Mall Bekasi



Re.Juve merupakan brand orisinil dan terbesar yang menjual produk jus cold-pressed di Indonesia dan sudah tersebar luas di Jakarta karena kualitas dan rasanya yang nikmat. Tersebar di 48 toko sekitar Jakarta, Tangerang, dan Bogor sejak bulan Februari 2018. Pada hari Minggu, 15 September 2018 Re.Juve resmi membuka toko nya di Metropolitan Mall Bekasi Lantai Dasar. Terdapat beberapa varian Re.Juve, misalnya Almond Milk; campuran susu almond organik, gula kelapa, air, dan garam laut. Chocolate High; campuran pisang, selai kacang, oatmeal, susu alond, dan protein coklat. Ada juga jus wortel dengan campuran apel, jeruk, mint, dan masih banyak lagi. Harga untuk botol varian  kecil di mulai dari Rp. 35.000,- dan harga untuk botol varian besar dimulai dari Rp.50.000,- Dapatkan produknya dan mulailah menjalani hidup yang sehat!


Re.Juve is the original & largest cold-pressed juices chain in Indonesia have been widely accepted in greater Jakarta for its quality and delicious taste. Spreading to 48 stores throughout Jakarta, Tangerang, and Bogor by February 2018. On Sunday, 15 September 2018 Re.Juve is offcially opened their counter at Metropolitan Mall Bekasi Ground Floor. There are many variants such as Almond Milk; Almond Organic, Coconut Sugar, Filtered Water, a dash of Sea Salt. Chocolate High; Banana, Oatmeal, Natural Peanut Butter, Chocolate Protein Whey, Filtered Water, and Almond Milk. There is also carrot juice mixed with apple, orange, and mint, etc. The price starts at IDR 35.000 for the small bottle. For the large bottle, the price starts from IDR 50.000. Go get yours and start to live a healthy life!



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